Is WordPress any good for Australian E-commerce?

We often have customers comparing Magento and Shopify for ecommerce. Coming from humble beginning, WordPress often isn’t included in the consideration set. But, should it be?

WordPress kicked off in the early 00’s as a blogging platform, and boy has it come a long way. While a vanilla installation of WordPress certainly shows up the blogging heritage, it certainly has transcended it’s initial purpose.

Enter Woocommerce

Woocommerce entered the scene in 2011, designed to add e-commerce capabilities to the fledgling WordPress platform. While there were other e-commerce plugins available at the time, it was certainly the most coherant.

Woocommerce offers WordPress users and developers the ability to add a full suite of e-commerce functionality, including inventory management, payment gateway integration and of course a front end catalog and checkout.

And much like WordPress, Woocommerce can be extended. So if you find a limitation, it’s very likely a plugin has already been developed or can be extended upon by a developer to achieve what you are after.

Do I still need a Web Developer or Designer?

We recommend it. Of course we’d say that. We are WordPress Designers and Developers. But seriously, there is good reason to partner with a developer.

While the extensible nature of both WordPress and Woocommerce can enable micro-business to fully manage their web presence without a web developer, we strongly recommend that small and medium business partner with a trusted developer to ensure their site is reliable and functional.

Put it this way. If a plugin update doesn’t go quite to plan; how would you go about fixing it? Can you afford to have your website down for days or weeks while you source and enlist the services of a skilled developer?

Most businesses would say no – and that’s why we suggest that you have a professional manage your web presence.

If I still need a developer, what’s the point?

The big advantage to using a platform like WordPress or Woocommerce is that you can leverage development that others have created, at a fraction of what it would cost a developer to write from scratch.

This means you can develop your website at lower cost and focus your limited time and resources on other activities. That might mean introducing other functionality for your website that perhaps you might not have been in a position to afford, reinvest the money saved into the business elsewhere… or just maybe a well earned holiday!

Can you help my business with Woocommerce?

Definitely, if you’re based in Australia, we’d love to help you with your Woocommerce design and development needs. We’re based in Adelaide, but service clients Australia wide.

Just send us a message and we’ll get back to you quick smart.