Page speed is often an overlooked factor when building for web – but is a significant driver of business outcomes. That is – ignore page speed and you’re leaving money on the table!

How quickly should a page load?

According to, users typically expect a web page to load within 2 seconds of actioning their request.

In most cases that is very achievable with modern content mangement systems, but it does require an investment in development to ensure care is taken when coding a website to minimise wasted bytes as well as efficient transfer of data.

What’s the opportunity cost of a slow website?

Simply put, a page that loads in 2.4 seconds will convert 300% more users than a page that loads in 5.7 seconds.

That is literally money on the table. A cursory business case should justify any money spent on development, as there are real dollars and cents to be made here!

Another study by Mobify found that for each 100ms improvement (thats 0.1s), a 1.11% increase in conversion was found.

How can I speed up my website?

A quick win to be found is improving your web hosting. This is relatively low touch from a development perspective, but can require some time and consideration, especially if your web host also manages your email inboxes.

From there – it is very much about reviewing your website architecture to look at how to increase page speed. There are quick wins to be had around improving image sizes and using more efficient code to deliver situation appropriate images as well as more involved pieces of work around server compression, code structure and the way your style and scripts fire.

Can you help us?

Definitely – feel free to contact us. We’d love to conduct an audit of your site to provide you with recommended steps forward.